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Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

diseases caused by cigarette

Some diseases that can be caused by the influence of smoking is paru2 cancer, respiratory, and heart disease. The dangers of the disease increasing every year. Certain respiratory disorders are the result of smoking. Another consequence, reduce the capability to enjoy physical activity because of illness or the effects of respiratory disorders. Smoking would lower life expectancy.
Over time the smoker will exacerbate respiratory symptoms, thickening of arterial lines, blood clot, and cancer: paru2, uterus / womb, throat, mouth, esophagus, bladder, pancreas, kidney, and swelling in paru2. In addition smokers also showed symptoms such as decreased stamina, athletic performance is low, sighing, coughing, dizziness and easily disgusted. Then smokers will increase the resistance to air flow into paru2. In addition to these serious problems, tobacco is also littered the teeth and fingers, and make the breath becomes smelly. Until clothing and shelter smokers tend to smell of tobacco.
Smoking is also expensive. Smokers usually require a high cost to maintain an unhealthy lifestyle and the cost is not only about himself. For example, the price of a pack of cigarettes Rp 5000, - with smokers who smoke one pack of cigarettes every day, then spending for smoking in a year will be approximately USD 1.8 million. With that much money can be obtained some better things like a healthy snack foods (fruits and vegetables), a vacation to tour the area or save for the future.

Composition and Hazards of Cigarettes

In addition to tobacco, cigarettes contain loads of paper made from cellulose and bahan2 chemical that gives the color white, good smoke and combustion is smooth. The paper was closed using glue and often contain artificial ink monogram (single color).
Cigarette filter is actually a part of a complex that consists of four parts. Basically, the filters are made of fiber that is attached using adhesive and also contain additional chemicals that make it delicious as well as accelerate the delivery of nicotine to the brain of smokers.
Cigarette filter also determines the type of cigarettes "light" or "ultra-light". Brand of low tar / low nikotine has a perforated filter kecil2. This hole is used for blowing outside air into the cigarette, thereby reducing the extent of tobacco / nikotine (according to the theory of gases).

Minggu, 15 Agustus 2010

Broccoli good for smokers

Some vegetables can be trusted turned out to reduce the risk of lung cancer.

The smokers and former smokers who consume a lot of broccoli and other vegetables have a lower chance of affected lung cancer risk compared with those not.

Researchers at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, New York reported the results of this study in Washington on 18/11-2008 in association meeting of cancer researchers in the field of prevention (American Association of Cancer Research meeting on cancer prevention).

"The first thing to do is quit smoking, because that's the best way to reduce the risk of lung cancer," said researcher Li Tang, PhD.

Besides quitting smoking, Tang encourages smokers and ex-smokers to consume vegetables that are important to the body, such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, radish, especially in raw form.

Tang warned that there is no magic bullet that can guarantee the prevention of lung cancer. However, there is no downside to consume vegetables.

Tim Tang asked 948 patients with lung cancer and 1743 without lung cancer related to their smoking history, consumption of fruits and vegetables.

Among smokers, especially among former smokers, consumption of vegetables in a large number of closely related with a lower risk of cancer.

That does not mean that these vegetables prevent lung cancer. Studies conducted Tang is observation, not directly trying to benefit these vegetables in cancer prevention.

However, other studies have shown that isothiocyanates components in vegetables contain substances that can fight cancer, says Tang.

Important that the most common vegetables consumed in the study of Tang is broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower. Eating raw vegetables is in a better situation, because warming destroying enzymes in vegetables that serves to activate isothiocyanates, said Tang.

In February, laboratory tests conducted by other researchers showed that isothiocyanates in broccoli may help prevent bladder cancer in rats.

At the Bull of July, another study showed that men who ate broccoli several times a week had a lower risk of prostate cancer than men who do not eat broccoli.

Smoke Danger Effects Of Human Body For Health - Due to a cigarette Poison, Addicted, Opium, Throw Money And Sins

Cigarettes are toxic things that give effect to relax and feel more manly suggestion. Behind the usefulness or benefits of cigarettes that contained a piece of a very big danger for people who smoke and those around smokers who were nonsmokers.

1. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4000 chemicals are poisonous and 43 200 of which other types can cause cancer in the body. Some very dangerous substances that are tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, etc..

2. The new cigarette smoke in the ashtray to die three times as much material containing cancer triggers in the air and 50 times contain pengeiritasi eyes and breathing. The shorter the higher the toxicity of cigarettes are ready to float into the air. A place filled with cigarette smoke pollution is a more dangerous place than the pollution in the streets of a jammed highway.

3. Someone who tried smoking usually be addictive because cigarettes are addictive is difficult to be released under any conditions. A heavy smoker will choose smoking than if the money he has to eat is limited.

4. Expensive price of cigarettes would be very burdensome to people classified as poor, so that his family health and welfare funds are often diverted to buy cigarettes. Famous brand cigarettes with the tobacco companies are typically owned by foreigners who come from abroad, so the money spent Part of smokers will flee to foreign countries that reduce national income. Cigarette factory that employs many workers will not be able to improve the standard of living employees, so if the cigarette factory closed down workers can be employed in place of other more creative business and bring in foreign exchange.

5. Most smokers will usually invite other people who have not smoked for smoking to be feeling the same pain with it, namely cigarette smoke trapped in an evil addiction. Some smokers also have deliberately smoking in public places so that the exhaled tobacco smoke can be inhaled to others, so that others will be exposed to the disease.

6. Activities that damage the body is a sin, so that cigarettes can be categorized as an unlawful object or item that must be avoided and shunned as far as possible. Ulema or religious scholars who smoke may have different perceptions in this regard.


So we can conclude that smoking is an activity undertaken stupid humans who sacrifice money, health, social life, the reward, positive perceptions, and so forth. So be thankful if you do not smoke, because you are a smart / clever.

When someone offers a cigarette is properly rejected. Feeling compassion on those who smoke. Do not listen to those who consider you lower than them if no follow-up smoking. because in their hearts and minds of their right mind wants to stop smoking.